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    Linear displacement sensor
    HLC pull rod linear displacement sensor
    KTF slide type linear displacement sensor
    KTM micro pull rod linear displacement sensor
    KTR self reset linear displacement sensor
    KPM miniature hinged linear displacement sensor
    DHL waterproof linear displacement sensor
    HPC hinged linear displacement sensor
    Transmitting module
    Displacement digital display meter
    HM-11 single channel intelligent measurement and control instrument
    HM-12 dual channel intelligent measurement and control instrument
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    Design of precision vibration reduction platform with displacement sensor

    Vibration control is an important branch of vibration engineering. The main methods to suppress vibration are: vibration elimination, vibration isolation, vibration absorption, vibration resistance or changing the system structure. In many cases, it is impossible to eliminate vibration and change the system structure. The commonly used vibration control methods are vibration isolation, absorption and damping. In order to ensure the stability of the working foundation of optical precision instruments, it is necessary to reduce or eliminate the influence of vibration on the equipment.
    The precision vibration reduction platform uses a high-precision displacement sensor as the measuring unit. The displacement sensor measures the length change of the support spring of the vibration reduction platform, then converts the output analog signal into digital signal, and then sends the digital signal to DSP for calculation. The calculation result is converted into current and sent to the electromagnetic driver, which automatically adjusts the electromagnetic force of the electromagnetic driver, so that the optical precision instrument can be balanced and achieve the purpose of vibration reduction.
    Precision vibration reduction platform is designed for active control vibration reduction. The whole platform can be regarded as a closed-loop feedback control system composed of sensing unit, control unit and execution unit. The sensing unit mainly collects vibration signals, converts the collected signals into electrical signals, and inputs the electrical signals into the control unit to calculate the output of the execution unit in real time. The measurement performance of displacement sensor for low-frequency vibration and ultra-low-frequency vibration of the system is better than that of speed sensor and acceleration sensor, and the measurement accuracy is well adaptable to the environment, which can well meet the measurement requirements of vibration reduction platform.
    The joint application of displacement sensor and electromagnetic driver has greatly improved the damping effect of the damping platform. Because all levels of vibration reduction systems are independent of each other, which is more conducive to multi-level vibration reduction, only the amplitude of the vibration platform needs to be considered, and the vibration situation of the object to be isolated need not be considered. Because of data acquisition, transmission, calculation, and current adjustment of electromagnetic driver, the delay in design can cause the change of electromagnetic force and elastic force of spring to be unequal, so the precision vibration reduction platform can only attenuate vibration, but can not achieve the effect of vibration elimination.
    With the rapid development of sensor technology and measurement and control technology, various new sensors and micro-sensors are rapidly put into the market and widely used in various measurement and control systems. The application of high-precision displacement sensor improves the damping performance of the damping platform, and makes it gradually have better application value and market prospect.

  • previous:Application of DHL waterproof displacement sensor in detecti
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    Company number: 0755-27680086
    Fax: 0755-23403882
    Email: 2048531578@qq.com
    Address: 703, Xinan culture building, Shangcun community, Gongming street, Guangming New District, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province Production base: No.15 xinyongda Road, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province
    Shenzhen hongmei Technology Co.,Ltd  copyright    Record No:粤ICP备18118559号-1