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  • Shenzhen hongmei Technology Co.,Ltd
    ——   产品展示   ——
    Linear displacement sensor
    HLC pull rod linear displacement sensor
    KTF slide type linear displacement sensor
    KTM micro pull rod linear displacement sensor
    KTR self reset linear displacement sensor
    KPM miniature hinged linear displacement sensor
    DHL waterproof linear displacement sensor
    HPC hinged linear displacement sensor
    Transmitting module
    Displacement digital display meter
    HM-11 single channel intelligent measurement and control instrument
    HM-12 dual channel intelligent measurement and control instrument
    ——   新闻中心   ——
      ·  Application of linear displacement
      ·  Connection method of displacement s
      ·  On-line detection technology of saf
      ·  Speed and pressure control of injec
      ·  What are the main factors of signal

    24-hour hotline

    KPM miniature hinged linear displacement sensor

  • Previous:KTR self reset linear displace
  • Next:DHL waterproof linear displace
  • Related news
    Title:Important instructions on installation and use of DHL waterproof displacement sensor
    Brief introduction:First of all, thank you for your trust and support! According to the recent feedback information, users often have the following problems in the installation and use of DHL waterproof pull rod linear displacement sensor, which affect the performance and service life of the sensor. 1. DHL waterproof displacement sensor has good dust and water-proof performance. It can work normally in humid, dust or underwater environment for a long time. However, the terminals of sensor shield wire should be far away from water and oil environment. According to the analysis of displacement sensor repaired by customers back to th...... [MORE]
    Company number: 0755-27680086
    Fax: 0755-23403882
    Email: 2048531578@qq.com
    Address: 703, Xinan culture building, Shangcun community, Gongming street, Guangming New District, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province Production base: No.15 xinyongda Road, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province
    Shenzhen hongmei Technology Co.,Ltd  copyright    Record No:粤ICP备18118559号-1