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  • Shenzhen hongmei Technology Co.,Ltd
    ——   产品展示   ——
    Linear displacement sensor
    HLC pull rod linear displacement sensor
    KTF slide type linear displacement sensor
    KTM micro pull rod linear displacement sensor
    KTR self reset linear displacement sensor
    KPM miniature hinged linear displacement sensor
    DHL waterproof linear displacement sensor
    HPC hinged linear displacement sensor
    Transmitting module
    Displacement digital display meter
    HM-11 single channel intelligent measurement and control instrument
    HM-12 dual channel intelligent measurement and control instrument
    ——   新闻中心   ——
      ·  Application of DHL waterproof displ
      ·  Connection method of displacement s
      ·  The displacement sensor can be used
      ·  Displacement sensor can be used in
      ·  Application of linear displacement

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    DHL waterproof linear displacement sensor

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    Title:Connection method of displacement sensor and PLC control system
    Brief introduction:The linear displacement sensor based on potentiometer principle is a linear displacement sensor with sliding rheostat structure. The sensor can supply 5V or 10V power, output 0-5V, 0-10V voltage signal, or 12-24V power supply. It is equipped with transmission module to output 0-5V, 0-10V, 4-20mA analog signal, which is convenient to connect with PLC control system for processing and calculation. The common wiring methods of displacement sensor are: two wire system, three wire system and four wire system. The displacement sensor with 4-20mA current signal can adopt two-wire wiring method. The power supply, senso...... [MORE]
    Company number: 0755-27680086
    Fax: 0755-23403882
    Email: 2048531578@qq.com
    Address: 703, Xinan culture building, Shangcun community, Gongming street, Guangming New District, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province Production base: No.15 xinyongda Road, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province
    Shenzhen hongmei Technology Co.,Ltd  copyright    Record No:粤ICP备18118559号-1